Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Football Essay Example - 733 Words

GD: Well coach, it’s still really early in the season, but your team had a good showing at both the Lodi Flame Invitational and the Jaguar Invite. What are your thoughts about the first two events of the season? KM: I actually didn’t make it to the Lodi one. My brother was getting married, so I missed that one. That’s always an early season meet where we just want to see what we’ve got. Yes, we did good in some individual races. Brenden Dishion is a sophomore and he ran the varsity race and did pretty well. We have a pretty strong girls team this year and I’d like to see them start pushing the effort a little more. I think if they can workout hard, then we are really going to show some good things. GD: The heat last week was absolutely†¦show more content†¦He’s got some knee issues that he’s working through. Another really hard working kid is Soren Jensvold. They are both medaling at meets and doing a really good job. We’ve also got some newcomers who’ve never run before. I’m curious to see how they do once they get into shape. GD: You just mentioned that you have new runners that have never ran cross country before. How long does it take for someone to get acclimated to being able to run at a competitive level? KM: How long does it take for someone to get in shape who’s never run cross country before Unfortunately, it takes almost the whole season. They have to get used to the pacing and how to get through the comfort level. That’s something that is really hard for a young athlete to do. They don’t realize that they can get past that and it takes them a good couple of months to get into that groove. A good athlete will do well with just natural ability. The problem with varsity is that they have to run three miles with just training. If they are just coming out now without any summer running, it’s going to take a couple of months. GD: And finally, your team will be competing at the North Tahoe Invitational this Friday and Saturday in Tahoe City. Is this an event that gets circled right when the schedules get released? KM: That’s a favorite event. It’s a good team bonding time. We spend the night up there and then go to the lake afterwards. The race is a neat raceShow MoreRelatedThe Salary of a Professional Football Player Essay example939 Words   |  4 PagesThe Salary of a Professional Football Player It has been argued that professional football players are being overpaid for their profession. In this essay I shall be expressing the opinions from both sides of the argument in order for myself to come to a conclusion. 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