Friday, November 29, 2019

#8220;Compare and Contrast Essay Sample on Canada Vs the USA #8220;

#8220;Compare and Contrast Essay Sample on Canada Vs the USA #8220; Both Canada and the USA have governments that seem to work quite well, amidst their differences. While the USA is a republic, Canada is a constitutional monarchy, and both are based on the ideas of democracy. However, they are different in many ways, and each government has it’s share of better methods than the other. For example, the USA has a definite term of office set for the president, 4 years, so that the president will know when he is done, and elections do not come as a surprise to the citizens. In Canada, the Prime Minister may sit for up to 5 years, calling an election any time he/she wants, from his/her first day in office, until the day before their last day in office. This can come as a surprise to the public, leaving them unprepared for an election. This is one of the ways that makes the USA system seem better than the Canadian. However, with the exact date known well in advance, campaigns in the USA start over a year ahead of the election, which can be quite ann oying to many people. Canadian campaigns last for only 50 days. The Canadian system does have it’s strong points, as well. In the USA, presidents may only be in office for a maximum of 10 years with the rare possibility that their predecessor is no longer able to run the country, during a term. In most cases, the maximum is 8 years per president, in 2 terms. This is not a very good system, if a president that is liked by all and makes decisions well is kept in office for 8 years, he is no longer allowed to be the president, no matter how much he’s liked. In Canada, there is no limit on how much a leader may be Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister proves himself to be a very good leader, he will be kept in office for as long as needed. If the Prime minister proves to be a bad leader, they will not be re-elected. The parties keep or replace leaders as they see fit, and the voters have the final word. The Americans have the better model for choosing government representatives, however. In an American election, the voters will vote on both the president and vice president, to ensure that they are who the people want. In Canada, we only indirectly vote for our prime minister, who then chooses his own staff all by himself, most likely all will be members of his own party. Canadians also have a better separation system between the highest levels of government, as well. When the voters in America elect a head of government, they are also electing the head of state. This one person is the president, who occupies both titles. In Canada, the head of state is the Queen and the Governor General, who are above the differences between the parties. They are there just to be the monarch, not to get involved with all the different ideologies of the political parties. In the USA, the president will be either republican or democratic, which does not bode well for the patriotic symbol of head of state. If there’s blame to be had, the American’s don’t know who did what, there are different parties in the different branches, and each branch blames the other. In Canada, it will always be the government party, so that the voters know for certain who did it. I can’t say for certain which government system I believe is better. Each country has different strengths and weaknesses, which balance each other out quite nicely. Canadian voters are more involved in government decisions, but lack the involvement in who is running the government, the Prime Minister appoints his staff. America lets their voters get more involved in choosing their leaders, but they cannot determine who to blame when something goes wrong. If I had to choose between them for sure, I believe I would choose Canada as the better government. Canada has a few poor qualities, such as the prime minister having immense power, but they can be made up for simply, such as choosing a prime minister that everyone can trust. You can order custom essays, term papers, research papers, dissertations and thesis papers on Canada and the USA from our professional custom writing service. Here is a list of the most popular essay writing topics on Canada: French Immigration in Canada with special view to the 17th century Canada should allow more foreigners to become Canadians The Gap Between the Rich and Poor in Canada The Four Most Significant individuals in Canadian History The place of Quebec in Canada is at the heart of the debate on constitutional reform but is not the only source of discontent within the Canadian federal system Should Canada strengthen its ties with America Multiculturalism in Canada Canadas political system Legislatures in Canada and the United States Refugee children in Canada: Searching for Identity SHOULD CANADA HAVE DEATH PENALTY Gun control in Canada Japanese Canadians in Canada Copyright Laws In Canada Renewable Resource Research in Canada Canadas great depression Terrorism in canada Marijuana: Should it be legalized in Canada? Social Issues in Canada

Monday, November 25, 2019

Long Range Weapons essays

Long Range Weapons essays No one knows exactly who invented gunpowder or how it was invented. What we do know is that it was invented during the later part of the Ming Dynasty. At first it was just used for rudimentary fire works. Later it became used lightly as a weapon of war. They werent very advanced and didnt really do a lot except scare people and flash a whole lot. These early uses however were just the precursor of the use of this explosive invention. Gunpowder is a weapon and has had a similar effect on history, and those who have came into contact with it as many other weapons have. Take for example the bow and arrow. This weapon was first used in Africa by nomadic tribes. For the first time people could kill or wound a person from a considerable distance. This weapon, however, like gunpowder, was not used as a weapon first but instead as a hunting tool. It was only later developed for militaristic purposes. Before the bow and arrow the farthest you could be away from somebody was simply how far you could through a stick. Inevitably however, someone could throw farther than you. This weapon added a new dimension to warfare. Now all you needed was higher land and you could win simply because you could shoot farther. The ancient Egyptians were the first to truly utilize this technology. They would mount their archers on chariots and they could shoot farther and more accurate. They would also be sure to occupy the higher land. Improvements were made on the bow and arrow through time. Bows became longer, for added power and distance; arrows became more refined, bigger, and stronger. But perhaps the most notable advancement of all was that of the crossbow. With the crossbow things became smaller faster, more portable and much more accurate. Indeed this is one of the biggest thing to happen to archery sense the bow. When the bow and arrow was relatively new it helped take over many countries, territories, and other pieces o...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Difference between the Third Way and Socialism Essay

The Difference between the Third Way and Socialism - Essay Example It has information about Western Europe and Anglo American world. This can include thoughts from western philosophers like Kant, Marx Hegel,Heder , Hobbes, Rousseau and miller. It has ideas and thoughts about industrial revolution in 19th century .In modern political ideas, new political theories and definitions are explored and explained. Modern political ideas suggest that the glimpse shown by social philosophers are more or less unreal and exaggerated. In order to portray political philosophies more realistically, practical matters must be included in them. If we go little deeper into Modern political ideas we can analyze two concepts namely; Third Way and socialism. It is necessary to understand these two concepts in order to analyze or interpret them. These two ideas are separate still share a common link to each other. According to BBC(1999)â€Å"Put at its most basic the third way is something different and distinct from liberal capitalism with its unswerving belief in the me rits of the free market and democratic socialism with its demand management and obsession with the state†. ... It emphasizes on responsibility, obligation and de-centralizing government while giving less importance to income re- distribution. As per Mercer (2005)â€Å"On the world stage, socialism has reinvented itself successfully and has surfaced in the guise of the vaunted Third Way whose main apparatchiks are the Clintons, the pair from Cool Britannia and the German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder†. The third way is a middle path where the government will tread on in order to escape the liberal attitude of socialist principles and capitalism view of industrialists. This is a successful method of governing people as citizens will get ownership to property as well as freedom to act on their own. They can also govern themselves regarding their capabilities, rights, property ownership and responsibilities in society. The ideas and principles of third way is not accurate, hence their specification is difficult. There are arguments that third way politicians speak on a double standards. Th e relation of third way with socialism Socialism has reinvented successfully in the new age and new socialist concepts are bandwagon into third way politics. The concepts of third way politics are adhered by social democrats to formulate third way social democracy. The third way democracy proponents argue that it is not socialism and it is â€Å"competition capitalism†. By accepting capitalism the new right is representing social democrats. There is something called centralized socialism and decentralized socialism. However centralized socialism is traditional and decentralized socialism needs to be taken over by the former. The association of state ownership and social ownership has an automatic association and it is followed by traditional

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Abortion - Essay Example Nothing is more demoralizing than a life without freedom. A life in which one can be compelled into parenthood is just such a life. Rape is among the most reflective rejections of liberty, and convincing a woman to accept a rapist's child is a murder or an attack on her humanity. How diverse is it to force her to remain pregnant and become a mother just for the reason that efforts at birth control by chance failed? From her standpoint, the pregnancy is also unwanted. From the point of view of the fetus, how the pregnancy began certainly makes no difference. If compelling a woman to persist a pregnancy that will just about surely kill her is not permitted, how different is it to force her to maintain a pregnancy that will almost certainly shorten her life? Or a pregnancy that will leave her life a shambles? Are there means of approaching issues like abortion that evade pitting these absolutes against one another? Approaches of choosing that uphold respect for the deepest principles on both sides of the equation? Ways that face the authenticity of sex and power that trigger the struggle? Analysis One of the famous cases in the American history has been the case of Roe V. Wade. It was a case in which the Supreme Court said that except in narrow state of affairs, the Constitution of the United States does not allow the government to interfere with a woman's right to desire abortion. Roe v. Wade is various things. It is a legal verdict by the Supreme Court; a rallying cries for both sides in the abortion debate. But it is in addition, and was in the beginning, a completely human story, one that has become by now common to numerous as a story similar to other stories repeated all over the United States daily. It seems telling that in Roe v. Wade both the woman on one side of the "versus" ("Roe") and the fetus on the other (stand for by Wade) are anonymous. In much of the debate over abortion in our society, one side or the other is condensed to ghostly secrecy. Many who can willingly imagine the concrete humanity of a fetus, who hold its picture high as well as weep, hardly see the woman who carries it and her human dilemma. To them she becomes an all but invisible abstraction. Numerous others, who can willingly imagine the woman and her body, who cry out for her right to control her fate, hardly imagine the fetus within that woman and do not envisage as real the life it might have been permitted to lead. For them, the life of the fetus becomes a similarly invisible concept (Tribe & Norton, 1992). America is at a junction. In the year 1989, the sixteen-year era of judicial defense of legal abortion rights that started with the Supreme Court's 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade ended with that Court's five to four decision maintenance certain state regulations of abortion in the case of Webster v. Reproductive Health Services. A right that, ever since the time of Watergate and Vietnam, had been kept by judges from the horseplay of local politics-the woman's right to make a decision for herself whether to finish a pregnancy-is now focused to regulation, and perhaps even prohibition, by our chosen legislature. A right that numerous Americans took for granted is now in a real sense up for grabs. Anyone who doubts that this is the meaning of Webster needs look no further than the morning newspaper. As the 1990s dawn, the nature of politics in America is altering daily, and the gloom of the question of abortion rights grows, with extensive worth for our society. Even as the public program is prolonged to deal with such new questions as the right to die, no matter intimidates to split us politically in quite as influential a way as the abortion issue does. Our national institutions are braced for an

Monday, November 18, 2019

Good bye Greek Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Good bye Greek - Assignment Example The Council also has a broader perspective, which is to build partnership between the school and the community with service. Ultimately, the Council’s overall spirit is creating activities for campus pride and participation. On the other hand, the MU’s Greek Leadership Council main goal is to strengthen a sense of com ­mu ­nity within our campus as well as foresee a perfect value founded institution. In partnership with the Greek Council, the students are in a position to strengthen their identities and as such live in harmony during their campus life. To bring order and discipline within or outside the university, both the Councils should come together and be one towards advocating for respect for each other and developing good values. The Council should have one agenda: providing a student perspective in deciding and implementing the goals as well as the initiatives of the University. The two Councils should bread the boundaries in terms of representation thus having one ideology. This ideology should aim at creating and overseeing a university with good values that provide an opportunity for both personal and professional growth. To arrive at solutions during the negotiation, both the two teams should nominate two representatives, who will take part in the negotiating process. Further, the VP should be the moderator since he will be a neutral (Kinzie & Kuh, 2004). Additionally, each team should come up with their own solution after which the best solution will be arrived at. Through nominating two representatives, time will be properly

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Study On Banking Ombudsman Scheme Commerce Essay

A Study On Banking Ombudsman Scheme Commerce Essay The Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 1995 was notified by RBI on June 14, 1995 in terms of the powers conferred on the Bank by Section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 to provide for a system of redressal of grievances against banks. The Scheme sought to establish a system of expeditious and inexpensive resolution of customer complaints. The Scheme is in operation since 1995 and was revised during the year 2002. The Scheme is being executed by Banking Ombudsmen appointed by RBI at 15 centres covering the entire country. The word ‘Ombudsman in general means a ‘grievance man, a public official who is appointed to investigate complaints against the administration. He is to intervene for theordinarycitizen in his dealings with the complex machinery of the establishment. Objective The objective behind this scheme is to make available an expeditious and cost effective grievance redressal mechanism to bank customers. Vision and Goals of the Banking Ombudsman Offices Vision Statement To be a visible and credible system of dispute resolution mechanism for common persons utilizing the banking services. Goals To ensure redressal of grievances of users of banking services in an inexpensive, expeditious, fair and reasonable manner that will provide impetus to improved customer services in the banking sector on a continuous basis. To provide valuable feedback suggestions to Reserve Bank of India towards framing appropriate and timely guidelines to banks to improve the level of customer service and to strengthen their internal grievance redressal systems. To enhance the awareness of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme. To facilitate quick and fair (non-discriminatory) redressal of grievances through use of IT systems, comprehensive and easily accessible database and enhanced capabilities of staff through training. SCOPE OF THE SCHEME The Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2002 covers all the Regional Rural Banks in addition to all Commercial Banks and Scheduled Primary Co-operative Banks, which were already covered by earlier Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 1995. The grounds of complaints that can be entertained by the Banking Ombudsmen have been enumerated in Clause 12 of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2002. What are complaints Ombudsman may receive? The Banking Ombudsman can receive and consider any complaint relating to the following deficiency in banking services (including internet banking): * non-payment or inordinate delay in the payment or collection of cheques, drafts or bills * non-acceptance of small denomination notes * non-acceptance of coins tendered * non-payment or delay in payment of inward remittances * failure to issue or delay in issue of drafts * non-adherence to prescribed working hours * failure to provide or delay in providing a banking facility * complaints from Non-Resident Indians having accounts in India * refusal to open deposit accounts without any valid reason for refusal * levying of charges without adequate prior notice to the customer * non-disbursement or delay in disbursement of pension * refusal to accept or delay in accepting payment towards taxes * forced closure of deposit accounts without due notice * refusal to close or delay in closing the accounts * non-adherence to the fair practices code as adopted by the bank * any other matter relating to the violation of the directives When a person may file the complaint? One can file a complaint before the Banking Ombudsman if the reply is not received from the bank within a period of one month after the bank concerned has received one s representation, or the bank rejects the complaint, or if the complainant is not satisfied with the reply given by the bank. Rules for filing complaint Any person may himself or through his authorized representative make a complaint to the bank. If the bank rejects the complaint or the complainant does not receive any reply within a month or the complainant is not satisfied with the reply even by the bank, the complainant may approach the Banking Ombudsman for redress of the grievance subject to the following:  · The complaint should be made within one year after the cause of action has arisen.  · The complaint is not in respect of the same subject matter that was settled through the Office of the Banking Ombudsman in any previous proceedings.  · The complaint does not pertain to the same subject matter for which any proceedings before any court, tribunal or arbitrator or any other forum is pending or a decree or award or a final order has already been passed.  · The complaint is not frivolous or vexatious in natur When will one s complaint not be considered by the Ombudsman ? a. One has not approached his bank for redressal of his grievance first. b. One has not made the complaint within one year from the date one has received the reply of the bank or if no reply is received if it is more than one year and one month from the date of representation to the bank. c. The subject matter of the complaint is pending for disposal / has already been dealt with at any other forum like court of law, consumer court etc. d. Frivolous or vexatious. e. The institution complained against is not covered under the scheme. f. The subject matter of the complaint is not within the ambit of the Banking Ombudsman. g. If the complaint is for the same subject matter that was settled through the office of the Banking Ombudsman in any previous proceedings. How Where can one lodge his/her complaint? One can file a complaint with the Banking Ombudsman simply by writing on a plain paper. One can also file it online or by sending an email to the Banking Ombudsman. One may lodge his/ her complaint at the office of the Banking Ombudsman under whose jurisdiction, the bank branch complained against is situated. For complaints relating to credit cards and other types of services with centralized operations, complaints may be filed before the Banking Ombudsman within whose territorial jurisdiction the billing address of the customer is located. PERFORMANCE OF THE BANKING OMBUDSMEN The performance of the Banking Ombudsmen has been analysed on the aspects such as: the quantum of complaints handled by them, the timeliness in handling the issues, and appropriateness of the decisions of the Banking Ombudsmen. More than 5000 complaints are received by the Banking Ombudsmen every year. The number of complaints received by the BO offices has been steadily increasing since 1999-2000. The number of complaints received during 2000-01, 2001-02 and 2002-03 stood at 5803, 5907 and 5399 respectively while there was a sharp rise during the year 2003-04 at 8246. Details are as given below: Number of complaints received by the Banking Ombudsmen Period No. of Offices of Banking Ombudsman No. of complaints received during the year Average No. of complaints per office 99-00 15 4994 333 00-01 15 5803 387 01-02 15 5907 394 02-03 15 5399 360 03-04 15 8246 550 Role of Arbitrator Any dispute between a bank and its constituents or between a bank and another bank may be referred to a Banking Ombudsman for arbitration, if both the parties agree for such a reference provided that the value of the claim in such dispute does not exceed Rs.10 lacs. Reporting The Banking Ombudsman shall report to the Reserve Bank, the non-compliance by any bank of an award and the Review Authority shall pass the necessary order. If a bank fails to implement the award within the prescribed time limit, the complainant may approach the Review Authority with a prayer to pass an appropriate direction to the bank for immediate compliance of the award. The Review Authority shall not receive any such additional or new material from any party which was not produced before the Banking Ombudsman. The Review Authority may call for the comments of the Banking Ombudsman in a review application filed before him, provided he is satisfied that such comments of the Banking Ombudsman are necessary in the exigencies of the case. The object behind the Banking Ombudsman Scheme is to make available an expeditious and cost effective grievance redressal mechanism to bank customers. Hence Banking ombudsman will endeavor to promote a settlement through conciliation or mediation and he will not be bound by any legal rule of evidence.With effect from January 1, 2006, RBI has further modified the scheme. Now complaints relating to credit cards can also be preferred by aggrieved customers. Earlier, retired bank officers or retired bureaucrats were being appointed as ombudsmen. With effect from Jan.2006, RBI officers are appointed as ombudsmen. Centres And Their Operational Areas Ahmedabad Gujarat, Union Territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu Bangalore Karnataka Bhopal Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh Bhubanes-war Orissa Chandigarh Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Union Territory of Chandigarh Chennai Tamil Nadu, Union Territories of Pondicherry and Andaman and Nicobar Islands Guwahati Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh Jaipur Rajasthan Kanpur Uttar Pradesh (excluding District of Ghaziabad) and Uttaranchal Kolkata West Bengal and Sikkim Mumbai Maharashtra and Goa New Delhi Delhi, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir and Ghaziabad district of Uttar Pradesh Patna Bihar and Jharkhand Thiruvanan-thapuram Kerala and Union Territory of Lakshadweep Some Important Developments during the year 2008-09 Meeting of the Committee on Subordinate Legislation, Rajya Sabha on functioning of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme in the private sector banks and foreign banks: Deputy Governor represented the Bank during the deliberations of the Committee on Subordinate Legislation on functioning of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme in the private sector banks and foreign banks. The Committee was headed by Dr Najma Heptulla, MP and the banks called for discussion were HDFC, Citibank, Standard Chartered Bank, Deutsche Bank and HSBC Ltd. Advertisement under series Jago Grahak Jago: An advertisement campaign on the Banking Ombudsman Scheme has been released by the Bank in collaboration with Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food Public Distribution, Government of India as a joint campaign under the Jago Grahak Jago series. A massive advertising visual publicity campaign on the Banking Ombudsman scheme had been carried out in both print and electronic media. This publicity will help in elevating awareness about the BO Scheme among the common people. In addition, banks were instructed to display details of the BO Scheme in all bank branches for the benefit of their customers. Up gradation of Complain Tracking Software (CTS) The upgraded version of CTS package went live from July 1, 2009. The upgraded CTS package has provision to enter the complaints, acknowledge the complaints, edit the complaints to update it, upload/ down load supporting of citizens. The System is to record and receive the grievances online and redress them indicating action at different levels. The Government of India is monitoring the System. All the Public Sector banks, Offices of the Banking Ombudsman, RBI, SIDBI, IDBI Bank, NABARD etc., have been listed by Government of India as subordinate offices and given username and password to access the DARPG portal to enable them to dispose of the grievances against banks online. The Government of India intends to discontinue with the disposal of grievances in paper form in a phased manner. Reform Banking Ombudsman Latest Law Commission onCheque Bounce J. Venkatesan reports that the Law Commission of India has recommended setting up of fast track courts to dispose over 3.8 million cases pending cheque bounce cases and has suggested that an amendment to the Instruments Act to compel the drawer of a cheque to pay 50 per cent of the amount of the receipt of summons. The head of Commission, Justice A. R. Lakshmanan has noted that because of the huge pendency of the cases the credibility of the business within and outside the country suffered a serious setback. â€Å"Dishonour of a cheque by a bank causes incalculable loss, injury and inconvenience to the payee, and the credibility of issuance of cheque is also being eroded to a large extent†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Banking Ombudsmanon cheque Bounce The practical experience at Banking Ombudsman reveal that officials of Banking Ombudsman of RBI have soft corner for the largest public sector bank of India- State Bank of India. Despite the fact that they observed â€Å"the bank had erroneously returned the cheque† Banking Ombudsman noted that by refund of actual expenses in pursing complaint (Rs. 2000) and apology, â€Å"complaint has been reasonably addressed and no further compensation for any loss or damage on account of the deficiency in Banks service could be allowed†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This is in contrast to its decision, a year ago, against Corporation Bank which too had wrongly bounced cheque of the same senior citizen â€Å"..It is therefore advised that the complainant may be compensated with Rs, 1500/- towards harassment caused†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Why so soft on SBI? Further Banking Ombudsman did not issue any directions to SBI nor to Corporation Bank, on account of serious deficiency of service. Coming back, SBI did no t render any sincere apology to the senior citizen. What to talk of promising efficient customer service or responding to query under RTI, sent through post office. More on the working of Banking Ombudsman. The Banking Ombudsman passed an Award against the erring SBI, the passbook of complaint also mentioned-†As per orders passes by banking Ombudsman..†. However, the official letter from Banking Ombudsman maintained that that complaint was resolved amicably between the bank and the complainant. No award was passed, how to contest? When it was asked under RTI Act that- â€Å"were terms of settlement signed by both complainant and the bank before the Banking Ombudsman as a mark of settlement/agreement? Please list the number of complainants disposed by settlement where terms of settlement was signed by the bank and complainant in 2007-08? The response of RBI-†No such practice is envisaged under the provisions of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006†. Not surprising, on record, ,majority of complainants Banking Ombudsman are amicably resolved. What option does the common man have when the normal grievance redressal mechanism fails? To sit at home and accept the helplessness or to approach the Courts, aleady overflowing with cheque bounce cases? In the light of public interest Justice A. R. Lakshmanans observation, SARCAJC appeals to Reserve Bank of India to Amend the present Banking Ombudsman Scheme so that compensation can be awarded to common man (taking account the loss of the complainants time and harassment and mental anguish), whose cheque is wrongly bounced by any Bank. Further, apart from officials of Reserve Bank of India, two active representatives of general public should be included in Banking Ombudsman structure so that Banking Ombudsman Scheme effectively works in the public interest and eases the pressure of cheque bounce cases in the Indian courts. Review Of Literature Awareness Fridays: A Guide to the Indian Banking Ombudsman Scheme Vinaya HS on January 2, 2009 The Reserve Bank of India also governs the Banking Ombudsman Scheme which provides an â€Å"expeditious and inexpensive forum to bank customers for resolution of their complaints relating to banking services.† The objective of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme is to be a visible and reliable system of dispute resolution mechanism for bank customers. Though the Ombudsman was launched way back in 1995, how many among us are really aware of when and how to approach the Banking Ombudsman? Thankfully, as always, the Reserve Bank of India has recently released a guide on this very topic. RBI amends Banking Ombudsman Scheme Mumbai, May 24: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) brought about crucial amendments to the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006 which will now enable aggrieved customers to not only appeal against any Ombudsmans decision but also to appeal in case of complaints being rejected. The appeal could be made to the deputy governors office of the RBI. The Ombudsman, however, has the right to reject complaints if they are ; not on the grounds of complaint referred to in clause 8; beyond the pecuniary jurisdiction of Banking Ombudsman prescribed; frivolous, vexatious, malafide; without any sufficient cause; that it is not pursued by the complainant with reasonable diligence; in the opinion of the Banking Ombudsman there is no loss or damage or inconvenience caused to the complainant; or requiring consideration of elaborate documentary and oral evidence and the proceedings before the Banking Ombudsman. In case of a complainant being aggrieved by the award under clause 12 or by rejection of a complaint, he may exercise the option of an appeal within 30 days, the RBI said in its notification. Title:THE BANKING OMBUDSMAN SCHEME Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance Year:1994 Abstract: This paper examines the role of the Banking Ombudsman in dealing with complaints about banking services. It describes the procedures for investigating eligible complaints and considers the overlap with other Ombudsman schemes, in particular those of the Building Societies and Insurance Ombudsmen. Exemplary Cases dealt with by BO offices where customers were right Case 1 : The complainant was maintaining a current account and approached the bank to convert his current account to cash credit account. For the said purpose he had pledged NSC amounting to Rs.1,20,000/-. Subsequently the bank neither sanctioned him a cash credit limit nor returned the certificates. In the meantime the certificates were matured for payment and he requested the bank to return the certificates. The bank failed to return the certificates stating that the certificates had been misplaced. The complainant approached us with a request to redress his grievances. On taking up the matter with the bank, the bank assured to take up the matter with the post office for issue of duplicate NSCs. On receipt of the duplicate NSCs from the concerned post office, the complainant was compensated for the loss of the original certificates. The complainant submitted a letter of satisfaction to the BO. Case 2 : A complaint relating to non-credit of cheque amount into the account of the complainant was received. The complainant had reportedly taken up the matter with the bank several times but there was no response by the bank towards credit of the cheque amount. The complainant approached the BO for resolution of his grievances. On receipt of the complaint, BO questioned the bank as to what action had been taken on the complaint by them. The bank reported that the cheque in question was lost in transit resulting in non-credit of the cheque amount to the complainants account. At the instance of BO, the bank took up the matter with UTI Mutual Fund, Patna by submitting letter of undertaking and death certificate. The Mutual Fund issued a duplicate cheque and the amount was credited to the complainants account. The complainant submitted a letter of satisfaction. Case 3 : BO received a complaint where the complainant alleged that on her husbands death, she approached the concerned bank on November 27, 2008 for payment of family pension and all the formalities were completed as required by the bank. The Treasury Officer had converted the pension into family pension and advised the bank on October 18, 2008 to make payment to the widow. Though she had been approaching the bank there was no response from the bank. BO questioned the bank as to what action had been taken by them on the complaint. On persuasion, the bank redressed the grievances and paid the family pension to the complainant . Case 4 : A cheque drawn by the EPF Department on the ABC Banks Nasik branch for Rs.21.36 lakh was sent to XYZ Bank, New Delhi for credit to the account of the complainant. The amount was not credited to the complainants account advising that it had not received the cheque. The complainant, however, obtained the Proof of Delivery from Post Office in support of the claim that it was delivered to the XYZ bank.. It transpired that the XYZ bank had actually misplaced the cheque before sending it for collection to ABC Bank and it had already furnished an affidavit to the EPF Department reporting the misplacement of the cheque and requesting for a duplicate cheque. With the intervention of BO, the bank credited an amount of Rs.18,894/- as interest on the delayed payment since date of deposit of the cheque. RECOMMENDATIONS : 1. If a complaint is not settled by agreement within a period of one month from the date of receipt of the complaint or such further period as he may consider necessary, the Banking Ombudsman may make a recommendation by reference to what is, in his opinion, fair in all the circumstances. Copies of the recommendation shall be sent to the complainant and the bank concerned. 2. The recommendation by the Banking Ombudsman shall be open to acceptance by the complainant only if he accepts all terms of the recommendation in full and final settlement of his claim against the bank and he shall, if he accepts the recommendation, within two weeks from the date of receipt of the recommendation send his acceptance in writing stating clearly that he is prepared to accept a settlement in terms of the recommendation is full and final settlement of his complaint. 3. The Banking Ombudsman shall cause a copy of the letter of acceptance, received from the complainant to be forwarded to the bank. The bank shall, if the recommendation is acceptable to it, comply with the terms of the recommendation immediately on receipt of acceptance of the terms by the complainant and inform the Banking Ombudsman of the settlement in terms of his recommendation. If the recommendation is not acceptable to the bank, it shall inform the Banking Ombudsman within a period of two weeks. sReferences :

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Personal Strife of Tennessee Williams :: Biography Biographies Essays

The Personal Strife of Tennessee Williams      Ã‚  Ã‚   Tennessee Williams was a well renowned playwright, who highlighted his personal experiences in his plays and stories. He had a colorful life and he enjoyed writing about what was considered taboo subjects in the 1940's, 1950's and the 1960's. Williams explored homosexuality, alcoholism, violence, greed and sex.      He also infused humor into his work. Williams dissected the traditional American family, and he penned many stories about dysfunctional and volatile families. In the journalist Bruce Smith's memoir on Tennessee Williams entitled Costly Performances, Tennessee is quoted reminding his readers, "I have had a life of required endurance, a life of clawing and scratching along a sheer surface and holding on tight with raw fingers to every inch of rock higher than the one caught hold of before...." (Smith, 6) Williams was born Thomas Lanier Williams in his maternal grandfather's rectory in Columbus, Mississippi on March 26, 1911.      His father, Cornielus Coffin Williams, was a shoe salesman at a shoe factory. He was an alcoholic and he was often verbally abusive to his family. Williams's mother's name was Edwina Lanier Williams and she encouraged the young Thomas to write. Williams later based the character of Amanda from his play "The Glass Menagerie" on his mother.      He had a sister named Rose, who was two years older, and when they were growing up they were very close. Rose was a very sensitive child and by her early twenties she was classified as a schizophrenic. She was later institutionalized and eventually given a lobotomy. His sister's condition devastated Williams, and he was afraid throughout his life that he would succumb to madness as well. He based the character of Laura from "The Glass Menagerie" on his sister Rose. Williams had a younger brother named Dakin, who was eight years younger.      Their father doted on the younger brother, and there was a great deal of sibling rivalry between them. He actually based Brick and Grooper's relationship on his tumultuous dealings with Dakin. Also, Williams had a great interest in people who lived on the fringes of life, like Rose. He considered himself to be "different" and he was not popular in his youth.      Thomas was teased as a youth by a boy named Brick, and Williams added that the character was weak minded and flawed.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Christianity vs. Mythology Essay

For many centuries, ancient Greek mythology has played an instrumental role in the development and foundation of all societies. The ancient myths formed through Greek Mythology has given meaning to the world people saw around them and helped answer perplexing questions such as, â€Å"Who made the world? How will it end? Who was the first man? Where do souls go after death?†. In fact, Greek mythology has provided meaning to people and the world around them in the same way Christianity and Judaism does. Greek mythology can relate to Christianity and Judaism such that they all were based off oral tradition, they have helped mankind develop a community that shares a common world view through moral way of life, and they all respond to our quest for wonder, the mystical and the unknown. Nonetheless, it is necessary to try and understand that both Ancient Greeks and Ancient Christians may have held similar beliefs about the world they were living in. In ancient Mythology, although there were no written texts that presented the several myths and stories such as the Christian Bible or the Hebrew Torah, the earliest Greek myths were part of an oral tradition. Ancient Greek myths, in their unknown beginnings, are believed to have been formed and passed on by oral tradition, meaning the myths originated from story-telling. The spread of Greek myths can relate to the early spread of Christianity and Judaism in the respect that the stories in the Bible and the Torah were stories about the sayings and acts of Jesus as told by story tellers long before they were ever recorded into a written text. Greek mythology, Christianity and Judaism are also similar such that they all teach a moral way of life and help mankind share a common world view. Almost all ancient Greek myths were constructed to teach some sort of lesson or moral, for example, in the story of Arachne. In the story, Arachne expressed extreme pride in her weaving skills; in Ancient Greece, having too much pride was considered a very unfavorable quality to acquire. Arachne believed her weaving abilities were far more superior than that of Athena’s, the goddess of weaving, so she challenged her to a weaving contest. In the end, Arachne’s skills did not even compare to Athena’s and Athena turned her into a spider. The story teaches that excessive pride and having a big ego is not considered acceptable if one wants to like a purely moral life. Like Greek mythology, Judaism and Christianity also strive to teach mankind how to live a fulfilling, moral life through the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments in Judaism and Christianity are a set of laws that God gave to the people of Israel that represent the main moral code of behavior every person should try to follow in order to live a spiritually pure and moral life. Finally, Greek mythology, Christianity and Judaism are similar because they all attempt to answer our perplexing questions and wonders about the world we live in. For instance, one similarity lies with the stories of creation; The story of Pandora’s Box in Greek mythology and the Book of Genesis in Judaism and Christianity. In the story of Pandora’s Box, Pandora was the first woman created and she was given a box by the Gods that she was told to never open. In the end, her curiosity overcame her, she opened the box and out came all the evils of the world. The story in the Book of Genesis is very similar- God created Adam and Eve and commanded them not to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. Eventually, a serpent appeared to Eve and convinced her to eat the forbidden fruit. She persuaded her partner, Adam, to eat the fruit also and as a result, sin engulfed the world. The ancient Greeks and early Christians tried to find an explanation for the evil in the world, and both blame a woman for mankind’s downfall.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Financial Management

Table of Content NPV Method †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 03 Payback Method †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 05 Average Accounting Return †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 06 Internal rate of return †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 07 Answer # 2 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 09 Answer #1 a) NPV Method Technique for analyzing capital investment projects are known as Net Present Value (NPV). A project’s net present value is the amount by which the project is expected to increase the wealth of the firm’s current shareholders. Net present value techniques involve projections of future volume and value increases and calculations of present value based on the cost of investing ones capital in the given periods of time. A dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future, because inflation erodes the buying power of the future money, while money available today can be invested and grow. The Discount Rate is the rate of return which could be obtained if the initial outlay were invested on the money market. Since the discount rate reflects the future value of money, it typically has two components: an adjustment for inflation, and a risk-adjusted return on the use of the money. Since market forces typically incorporate inflation adjustments into investment returns and borrowing costs, often the discount rate is keyed to a standard reference rate. Some Advantages and disadvantages are:- Advantages:- It will give the correct decision advice assuming a perfect capital market. It also gives correct ranking for mutually exclusive projects unlike the IRR. NPV gives an absolute value NPV allows for the timing of the cash flows Disadvantages: Calculating NPV is difficult, in part, because it isn't clear what discount rate should be used, nor is it clear how to project future changes in the discount rate.. NPV, of all the 4 methods of Investment appraisal, requires the decision criteria to be specif... Free Essays on Financial Management Free Essays on Financial Management Table of Content NPV Method †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 03 Payback Method †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 05 Average Accounting Return †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 06 Internal rate of return †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 07 Answer # 2 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 09 Answer #1 a) NPV Method Technique for analyzing capital investment projects are known as Net Present Value (NPV). A project’s net present value is the amount by which the project is expected to increase the wealth of the firm’s current shareholders. Net present value techniques involve projections of future volume and value increases and calculations of present value based on the cost of investing ones capital in the given periods of time. A dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future, because inflation erodes the buying power of the future money, while money available today can be invested and grow. The Discount Rate is the rate of return which could be obtained if the initial outlay were invested on the money market. Since the discount rate reflects the future value of money, it typically has two components: an adjustment for inflation, and a risk-adjusted return on the use of the money. Since market forces typically incorporate inflation adjustments into investment returns and borrowing costs, often the discount rate is keyed to a standard reference rate. Some Advantages and disadvantages are:- Advantages:- It will give the correct decision advice assuming a perfect capital market. It also gives correct ranking for mutually exclusive projects unlike the IRR. NPV gives an absolute value NPV allows for the timing of the cash flows Disadvantages: Calculating NPV is difficult, in part, because it isn't clear what discount rate should be used, nor is it clear how to project future changes in the discount rate.. NPV, of all the 4 methods of Investment appraisal, requires the decision criteria to be specif...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Aids Essays - HIVAIDS, RTT, Poliomyelitis, Vaccines, Lentiviruses

Aids Essays - HIVAIDS, RTT, Poliomyelitis, Vaccines, Lentiviruses Aids Scientists have concluded, based on mathematical research, that the virus that lead to the epidemic of AIDS can be traced all the way back to 1930, somewhere around Central Africa. Bette Korber, of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, presented this conclusion at the Conference of Retroviruses. The notion that HIV was introduced in contaminated oral polio vaccines in Africa between the years of 1957 and 1961 has been often debated and challenged. The results presented by Korber, not only refute the before mentioned allegations, but also move us toward finding out where the virus really came from and in which direction it is heading in the future. The first sample discovered in 1959 comes from a man in Congo, who died as a member of the M class of HIV, the type that most people are infected with today. However old the virus was, it was evident that it wasnt the first of its kind. The reason that the virus was ever connected to polio is because in the same year of 1959, the introduction of oral polio vaccines, supposedly tested on chimpanzees, came to the continent of Africa. However in reality, states Stanley Plotkin of the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, the introduction of HIV in chimpanzees occurred well before the polio vaccine. The machine used in the process of determination is the Los Alamos Nirvana Machine, which is capable of making one trillion calculations per second. After plugging in dates, formulas and locations, the Nirvana located the origin of the HIV virus as being 1930, however the range of error shows that it could have been anywhere from 1915 to 1942. The Nirvana was also able to determine that the virus appeared in the Caribbean Islands such as Haiti, in the 1960s, while it came to America more than ten years later. It is quite definite that the virus came from chimpanzees in the area around Gabon, Cameroon, and the Central African rainforest. It most probably passed onto the hunters while they were butchering the animals. After that, the virus has taken on six different strands, and is spread in humans mostly through sexual intercourse. Issue The matter being discussed here is the AIDS epidemic. AIDS and the HIV virus are very real issues in the world and especially in America. Whether it is the needle of the syringe of a junkie, a blood transfusion or the exchange of bodily fluids, people are getting infected and dying every day with this disease, and there is no remedy. Each day thousands of researchers scientists and mathematicians try to go further, so that they might bring the world closer to a cure. A lot of progress has been made, and as a result people are living ten, fifteen, and even twenty years with AIDS. This article demonstrates to us that developments are still being made, and we are slowly but surely approaching a revolutionary discovery. Opinion It is very refreshing for me to read articles of this kind. I see people dying of AIDS and it scares me to think that, if I am not overly cautious, it could be me as well. The fact that we are making progress such as this, where we now know that HIV really originated thirty years before we presumed, is leading us to understand more about this epidemic. The more we understand about where it came from, the better our chances of understanding what caused it, and how to cure it. I realize that the discovery of a vaccine is still far off, and there is a chance that there will never be a complete cure. However, with each new scientific discovery, I have a renewed hope in our civilizations survival of the plague we commonly call AIDS.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Food Security in International Background Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Food Security in International Background - Essay Example Such factors as global warming, climate changing and natural disasters put the growth of products and their quality under the threat. The food security exists when all members of the society have the access to its enough quantity for healthy life and well-being. People who live under the conditions of poverty and products insecurity experience fear and have the limited abilities. The definition of food security, formulated at the Rome meeting, includes the following elements: Food policy is seen as a set of measures designed to meet systematically and effectively not only the challenges of development of production, foreign trade, storage and processing, but also a fair distribution of basic food products, as well as social development of rural areas. Food security is one of the main objectives of agricultural and economic policy. It generates a motion vector of any national food system to the ideal state. â€Å"Large numbers of people in the world are chronically hungry, meaning th ey are undernourished because they don’t receive enough energy to live active lives. While chronic hunger has been an issue of global concern for decades, recent events, including a global recession and rising food prices have significantly increased the number of chronically hungry people† (McDonald, B., 2010, 4). The United Nations Agriculture organization stated that there were one billion of hungry people throughout the world in 2009. This condition motivated the increase of food supplies in the global sense by means of development of infrastructure and reduction of poverty. As we can see, the state authorities work intensively on this issue, trying to prevent the future growth of hunger level in the world. The national policy is aimed to create the more sustainable food systems. If we take the USA as an example, we can see that the farmers have to wait three years, after the usage of pesticides, before these products are recognized as organic  and ready for consu mption.  

Saturday, November 2, 2019

A group assignment to produce a strategic marketing plan for your new - 1

A group to produce a strategic marketing plan for your new product - Assignment Example The United Kingdom (UK) soft drink market remains among the most exploited avenues of the entire economy. This is best described along both the international and local dimensions. The prospect of a novel product, such as Canki, making a successful penetration into such a market calls for the involvement of critical marketing programs. The critical challenges faced by novel players in this market range from the shaping of the product to the eventual delivery. The product must satisfy the customers order in terms of preference and taste. Research is called for in respect to life cycle of the product due to various challenges that may arise as the product is sold. Canki’s sale can be increased through the focus of increment in product’s line depth and increasing the number of product lines. Marketer should put the focus on branding the product in an attractive design. The product desired to be packaged in a manner that relates with the target market population. This would be achieved by wrapping the product in fashionable cans that attracts the youths who are the elemental market aim. The youthful population remains the ideal market that may catapult a novel player into the UK market (Steen, 2007). Coca cola, which is deemed as Canki’s main rival, has based its target market on the wider UK popu lation. Success of the Canki will involve the identification of a singular age set of clients to be the main focus. The designing of the products desires to illustrate a sense of connection with the preferences and tastes of this population. Acceptability of the product, by the targeted market population, remains critical to the eventual success of the firm (Baines, Criss and Kelly, 2011). The concept of place as a pillar of marketing involves the fathom of both the market and the production dimensions. The product must be provided in places where the targeted clients can reach out to it easily. The marketer must have a clear research