Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Maturity of Men :: Media Movies Maturing Essays

The Maturity of Men It has been said that men mature slower than women and often become the joke of many conversations. Even Hollywood can sell movies based on this humor. Is it fair to say that all men are immature for their age? Of course it is not, but it seems that it is a growing epidemic among American jokes and allows a reasonable explanation as to why men are so different from women. Men take a little longer to process information and may need to make a few mistakes along the way in order to view the world as it exists. It is almost easier to say that men are immature than going into depth of how their mind works, and why they do the things they do. Although sometimes it may seem impossible for men to finally grow up, they eventually do because they realize from their own experiences what is proper and what is not. Many Hollywood films, including American Wedding and School of Rock, view men with an immature mentality but are able to explore a plot where they grow through their expe riences. In the film American Wedding, directed by Jesse Dylan, the plot follows the same theme as the first two in the American Pie trilogy. It has most of the same characters except now Michelle and Jim are getting married. The last person they would ever plan on inviting would be Steve Stifler because of his immature personality and obsession for sex. As the movie continues Stifler pretends to be sophisticated so that Jim’s future mother-in-law will invite him to the wedding. Of course there are other motives involved; but the tables turn quickly when Stifler realizes how important growing up is in order to finally settle down in life. Although in American Wedding the man characterized as immature is much younger than the one in School of Rock, it still follows the same path. This just proves that men can mature at all ages. This film, directed by Richard Linklater, has the famous Jack Black who is stereotyped as the immature male. Jack Black’s character is in his thirties but still lives in the dream that he will become a famous rock star.

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